‘Pure Pleasure’ The Guardian
☆☆☆☆☆ BBC Music Magazine
☆☆☆☆☆ The Independent
☆☆☆☆☆ The Times
☆☆☆☆ Dido & Aeneas THE TELEGRAPH
Dido & Aeneas – “The vocal ensembles are beautifully sparse and luminous and the instrumental playing is brightly streamlined ~ THE GUARDIAN
Dido & Aeneas - “Enlivening spirit and tragic intensity’ This recording of a classic English opera lacks nothing in humanity” ~ THE TELEGRAPH
Your online concert was one of the most beautiful experiences for us. But also that despite what has happened to live music over the pandemic, there is hope for it surviving. Without it, we are diminished. With it, we are enriched, and become part of the extraordinary creativity of humanity. ~ Jane & Paul Watts
I told my friends to watch Dido & Aeneas and I am now getting fantastic feedback from them after watching the concert. They have congratulated Armonico on a fine concert with great playing and singing. ~ Hilary Eldridge